A blog on statistics, methods, philosophy of science, and open science. Understanding 20% of statistics will improve 80% of your inferences.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Andrew Huberman vs. Decoding the Gurus (Metascience course assignment)

Below I am providing the first assignment in a new Metascience course I am teaching at Eindhoven University of Technology. The goal of the assignment is to teach students to critically evaluate claims scientists make. 

Assignment 1: Andrew Huberman vs. Decoding the Gurus


Andrew Huberman is an associate professor at Stanford University who hosts a popular podcast called ‘Huberman Lab’. His podcast is one of the most listened-to podcasts in the world, and he has more than 5 million subscribers on YouTube and more than 6 million followers on Instagram. He discusses science and science-based tools for everyday life, focusing on physical and mental health. Before starting the main part of this assignment, answer the following two questions.


Question 1:

a) Which factors increase your trust in Andrew Huberman as a reliable source of information on topics surrounding physical and mental health?

b) Which factors decrease your trust?

Feel free to use the internet to form an opinion.


Question 2:

On a scale from 1 (not at all reliable) to 10 (extremely reliable), how reliable do you consider Andrew Huberman to be as a source of information on topics surrounding physical and mental health?


As indicated on Wikipedia, Andrew Huberman’s podcast “has attracted criticism for promoting poorly supported health claims”. In this assignment, you will reflect on whether and why Andrew Huberman promotes poorly supported health claims. More generally, you will reflect on a number of factors that can help you to evaluate if information people provide about scientific findings is reliable.


The study material for this assignment is podcast episode 85 of “Decoding the Gurus” by Christopher Kavanagh and Matthew Browne called “Andrew Huberman and Peter Attia: Self-enhancement, supplements & doughnuts?” released on the 9th of November 2023.

You can listen to the episode here: https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/andrew-huberman-and-peter-attia-optimising-your-pizza-binges. Note that most Decoding the Gurus episodes are very long. The section you need to listen to for this episode starts at 1 hour, 46 minutes, and 50 seconds. If you listen to the end, it will take 1 hour and 26 minutes. Before you listen, read through the questions you will have to answer about the podcast below (especially question 5).  

Although it is not necessary to read this information, the paper Huberman discusses is: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.07.15.500226v2 The paper was published 2 years later, but it is in a journal we do not have access to because the subscription fees are too high, so we can not read the final version of the scientific research these authors did (a good reminder why open access publication is important).  


Question 3:

Which criteria for the quality of scientific research does Andrew Huberman rely on? In the episode he remarks how the study is not peer reviewed, and in other episodes he often discusses whether a study appeared in a peer reviewed journal (and sometimes if the journal is considered prestigious). Do you think this is a good criterion of scientific quality? Which aspects make this a good criterion? Which aspects do not make this a good criterion?

a) I believe the following aspects make this a good criterion:

b) I believe the following aspects do not make this a good criterion:

c) My overall evaluation about whether a study being peer reviewed or not is a good criterion for scientific quality is:


Question 4:

Another criterion Andrew Huberman uses to evaluate whether a finding can be trusted is if there are multiple published articles that show a similar effect. Which aspects make this a good criterion? Which aspects do not make this a good criterion? The section in the textbook on publication bias might help to reflect on this question: https://lakens.github.io/statistical_inferences/12-bias.html#sec-publicationbias

a) I believe the following aspects make this a good criterion:

b) I believe the following aspects do not make this a good criterion:

c) My overall evaluation about whether the presence of multiple studies in the literature is a good criterion for scientific quality is:


Question 5:

a) Which criticisms do Christopher Kavanagh and Matthew Browne raise of the study Huberman discusses?

b) Which criticisms do the podcast hosts raise about how Huberman presents the study?

c) Which warning signs of the past studies by the same lab do the podcast hosts raise?


Question 6:

The podcast hosts discuss the ‘dead salmon’ study. I agree with podcast host Christopher Kavanagh that people interested in metascience should know about this study. It lead to lasting changes in the data analysis of fMRI studies. A similar point was made in a full paper, which you can read here. The title of the paper is “Puzzlingly High Correlations in fMRI Studies of Emotion, Personality, and Social Cognition”. The original title of this paper when submitted to the journal was ““Voodoo Correlations in Social Neuroscience”. The peer reviewers did not like this title, and the authors had to change it before publication, but it is still often referred to as the ‘voodoo correlations’ paper, together with the ‘dead salmon’ poster. Read through the study (which was presented as a poster at a conference, not as a full paper). It is not intended as a serious paper. What is the main point of the poster? A high-resolution version is available here

Question 7:

Huberman discusses the power analysis of the study, but does not criticize it. Below, you can find the power analysis in the original study. The authors plan to detect an effect of d = 0.69, which is as large as the effect of reward learning observed in an earlier study. The following two questions are difficult, and there is not a lot of accessible reading material in the literature yet to help you. Some information to help you can be found in https://lakens.github.io/statistical_inferences/06-effectsize.html#interpreting-effect-sizes and the references in this section, and https://lakens.github.io/statistical_inferences/06-effectsize.html#interpreting-effect-sizes and the references in this section.

a) How plausible do you think it is that the placebo effect would have an effect size as large as the effect for reward learning?

b) How large should an effect be for an individual to be aware of it?


Question 8:

a) Do you think Andrew Huberman is overclaiming in the end of the podcast about possible applications of this effect? Is he overhyping?

b) How do you think the studies should have been communicated to a general audience?


Question 9:

It is not possible to ask the following question in any other way, than to make it a loaded question. It is clear what I think about this topic, as I chose to make this assignment. Nevertheless, feel free to disagree with my beliefs.

a) Is Andrew Huberman’s understanding of statistics (and red flags where reading the results of a study) strong enough to adequately weigh the evidence in studies?

b) How well should science communicators be able to interpret the evidence underlying scientific claims in the literature, for example through adequate training in research methods and statistics?

c) How well should you be trained in research methods and statistics to be able to weigh the evidence in research yourself?


Question 10:

After completing the assignment, we will revisit question 2 by asking you once more: On a scale from 1 (not at all reliable) to 10 (extremely reliable), how reliable do you consider Andrew Huberman to be as a source of information on topics surrounding physical and mental health?




Further reading and listening

Additional episodes by Decoding the Gurus on Andrew Huberman:

Episode 81: Andrew Huberman: Forest Bathing in Negative Ions https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/andrew-huberman-forest-bathing-in-negative-ions (This starts with some kind words about our own podcast, Nullius in Verba).

Episode 90: Mini-Decoding: Huberman on the Vaccine-Autism Controversy https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/mini-decoding-huberman-on-vaccine-autism-controversy

In Dutch, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHnQK6wliJU for extra information.


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